Welcome to Bamabees.com
Please call 256-466-1990 to place Queen and Nuc orders. It is by date.
Learn About Bamabees.com
At BamaBees our goal is to provide you with high quality queens. Order by phone only. Our queens are never treated. The queens that we graft from are either selected from our stock or they are breeder queens from a treatment-free beekeeper. Bamabees went treatment free 2021. From 2018 till 2021 most treatments were oxalic acid. Some received apivar treatments. And I had some hives that were treatment free.
The process that we use to make Queens is grafting. We take a young larvae that is less than 24 hours old. Our grafter places this in a cell cup on a bar. It is placed in a non- treated, queenless hive. It is capped after 10 days. We move this to a 3-frame mating nuc. After 3 weeks, the queens are pulled. For an additional fee, queens can be marked or clipped. The queens are placed in queen cages with attendants. Queens are shipped same day. Order today. Bama bees queens starting at $43. We offer quantity discounts.
Dates queens are available:
2nd weekSold out
3rd weekSold out
4th few left call 256-466-1990
1st week Available
2nd weekAvailable
3rd week Available
4th weekAvailable
1st week Available
2nd weekAvailable
3rd weekAvailable
4th week Available
June 21 is solstice. It is good to order winter queens after the 21st.
Please call to pre-order. We do not sell queens through the online store.
Call 256-466-1990
Bees bringing pollen in:

Learn About Bamabees.com
From one beehive in 2018 and treatment free as of 2021. Bamabees has grown to offer queens mated or unmatedm. Bamabees also offers nuc boxes for local pickup and pollination services.
We are located in Hartselle, Alabama. To order queens, please contact us. Some orders can be filled on the spot. Some orders may take a little time. We are a family-owned business. We cover the entire state of Alabama. We can deliver nucs on orders over 20 in Alabama. Please call for pricing or to place your order. Call 256-466-1990.

Contact Us
For questions about our company and products, get in touch directly. Someone on our team will be happy to help. 256-466-1990